Mobirise Website Builder v4.10.4

The PBC Quote Process

A quote is the best way to get started with an order from Phoenix Book Company.


Do you need books?
PBC can help!

Give PBC your list in any format you’d like. We accept excel, word, pdf, library catalog systems, Amazon, etc.


PBC prepares a free quote for you.

We hunt down the best discounts we can find and provide you with an itemized quote via email.


A quote becomes a district PO

You turn your quote over to your school or district and the purchasing department will issue a PO - Purchase Order.


PBC receives the PO,
then orders your books.

When we receive the PO from your school district, we place the orders for your books and processing as needed.


PBC receives and
ships your books!

Once we’ve receive a majority of your order (and process it if needed), we ship your books to you!

New! Build a Quote Online

Use our new tool to build a list online and submit it for a quote!

New! Build a Quote Online

Use our new tool to build a list online and submit it for a quote!

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